Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today was a wonderful day.

We headed over to Bainbridge for a brunch at my parent's house with Casi's mom and sister who were visiting for the weekend (in addition Aunt Terry and Uncle Doug were in town so we got to spend some time with them too!). After brunch, we went swimming and soaked in the hot tub and then had a nice long nap on the outdoor porch bed (Nick and I were simply trying to get Finn to sleep and fooled ourselves to sleep too). After the perfect nap, we spend some time with my mom before heading back to our little house in the city.

I am going a little crazy with the anticipation at this point (and I think that Nick is too) and it has been feeling like each day is groundhog day. All I can see is the dirt and mess in the house (thanks, nesting hormones!), the dwindling food supply (we stocked up in anticipation of feeding all of our birth support team), and all the other things that need to be done (and re-done and re-done as the wait continues).

So, we strategized a plan and have decided that we are going to finish up some projects here in the city, get the house labor-ready and head back to Bainbridge until labor starts. My brothers are all in town and there is a lot of support and extra hands to help with Finn so Nick can get a load of work done and I don't have to stress about a clean house or frustrated child. Just having a plan makes everything feel a little more bearable, even if this pregnancy continues for the next week or so (crossing fingers this is not the case).

In the meantime, we are watching a hilarious movie and getting a good night's sleep, which supposedly is another means to start labor.


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