Friday, August 17, 2012


I start each week with the best of blogging intentions. There is so much to share these days and in my best weeks, I am able to get at least a post a day out. Sometimes I am even able to write all my posts in a day or two and schedule them to post each day, giving our lovely audience the impression that I am consistent, organized and able to do so much! But alas, the reality behind the scenes is chaos, albeit a somewhat organized chaos. And once again, I have to remind myself that I chose this life and choose to continue it every day.

Nick's business is humming right now at a pitch that is both welcome and overwhelming at the same time. We both fall exhausted in bed each night around midnight, and are awake with the chirping birds (and children) at the crack of dawn the next morning. Dragging our tired bods out of bed and onto another full day. Repeat times 7.

In other news, Poppie turned 11 months last weekend. She is a living doll, full of life and vitality with a healthy dose of mischief inside her. She is walking fulltime and hasn't looked back. She is starting to talk and waves by curling her fingers inwards, as if saying come here, let me talk to you! Her favorite words are hi, der! stop! (hmm, where did she learn that word? From me to talking to Finn? No...) and dagda (which means dog).
She is pure girl. In the same way that Finn is pure boy. We were so very careful about gender-typing our kids and giving them room to play with dolls or trucks or red fast things or pink soft ones. And what does each choose? Diggers, dirt and fast things for Finn and soft cuddly toys, anything pink and handbags for Poppie. She is also starting to try and dress up and picks my dresses from the dirty unfolded (I have made a huge leap in my housekeeping capabilities lately!) clothes hamper and tries to wear them around the house. 

And Finn? Darling Finn. He has been an angel lately. We have been learning a lot lately on how to most effectively parent this strong and clever boy of ours and although there is nothing perfect in the world, we are awfully close to finding the perfect groove. I have been reading lots and lots and lots of great parenting articles lately and have a pretty good collections of tools in my parenting toolbox. Things are working for the moment for all of us.

It has been hot in Seattle. Really hot. We have been spending a lot of time in or near the water and I have to say, this is best summer of my entire life.

Thanks to him.

And thanks to her.

Happy weekend to all!

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