Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update from the homefront

We returned from Hawaii late Thursday last week. Nick worked long hours all weekend climbing 315 ft old growth trees for a photo shoot on Saturday and filming birds and boys for a commercial on Sunday. Meanwhile, back on the boring homefront, I worked on getting the children back into a routine and readying myself for official back-to-fulltime-work. Which started yesterday. So far, so good.

We have hired a nanny who comes Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am working from home on Wednesday and Nick is working from home on Fridays. I sneak away at lunch to nurse Poppie on the days that I am at work (we are so lucky to live so close to the office) and Nick is available to help Finn transition to naptime if needed. So far, so good.

Our toughest times of the days are mornings and evenings. Mornings just feel to short and frantic and evenings can affectionately be referred to as Fukushima if we don't tread carefully. On further thought, mornings can also resemble nuclear meltdown too, so let's just say that the hours of 6-9 a.m. OR p.m. are the closest we will get to understanding what Japan went through last year.

My biggest fear about returning to work was above mentioned Fukushima hours and how I was going to be able to be one of the guys in the big white outfit saving everyone and not burning up in the mess myself. Which happens when a mother is sleep deprived and stretched thin and the father is too.

So, Nick and I came up with a plan. We were going to share all morning and evening duties equally, with one filling in when the other needs it. We have written a list of all the little details that make a day smooth and work on checking them off every morning and evening. Which has worked great so far. So good.

The ultimate goal is to get up early enough (ie, get to bed early enough and get enough sleep) to wake up early and work out (at home) and be able to take the dog and children for a walk all before the 8:45 departure for preschool/work. Which is why I am reading Raising Your Spirited Child and paying particular attention to the chapter on Bedtime and Nightwaking. Wish us luck.


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