Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pretty in Pink

Poppie has lost her newborn look and is thoroughly an infant now. She can almost sit up on her own and really loves sitting in Finn's highchair watching the goings-on in the kitchen. Pink is definitely her color and although I never thought I would be into pink, I am now. 

Can you blame me?
This little pink sweater outfit was my Christmas outfit when I was her age. I love the fact that my mom saved this stuff through all the moves and clean-outs so that my daughter can wear it today.
Do you see that cheeky smile beneath that ginormous pacifier? Although Poppie looks and acts the part of a perfect angel, she has a really fun, firecracker side, just like her brother. When she is upset that we are putting her down, she shrieks like a girl in a scary movie and then giggles when we come back to fetch her.
Also like her brother, Poppie is super alert and aware of her surroundings (maybe every baby is and I just don't know it). Poppie knows when someone walks in the front door and has a smile ready when they walk into the kitchen. She follows you with her eyes and will coo and babble at you until you engage with her. And by you, I don't mean just me or Nick or Finn. It can be anyone that she takes a liking to. She is a definite extrovert and loves people. 
She has just discovered her hands. They are amazing. She twiddles her fingers and arches her palm and moves her wrist like a ballerina, staring at them the whole while. And if they have nothing better to do, those hands hang out in her mouth.
She also loves grabbing things. Necklaces, hair, shirts, faces. If you get up close and coo at her she puts both hands on your cheeks, grabbing your face ever so gently and smiles and smiles and coos back. It is such a loving little gesture from such a tiny little thing.
Poppie ended up with Nick's eyes and my hair. Which is kind of cute because Finn got my eyes and Nick's hair. Aren't genes fun?

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