Tuesday, June 19, 2012

This is how we sleep now

A couple of days ago, we moved Poppie into Finn's room to the delight of both of them. There are no more tears and no more 'I don't want to go to bed'-s. Instead there is a lot of giggling, squealing and Finn occasionally saying shhhh, shhhh it's OK, sorry, don't cry, I kiss you now when Poppie complains about something loud enough for me to come stomping towards the room.

Our goal is to reclaim our room and get them both on similar schedules so we can have adult time consistently at night. Nick is away on assignment and this seemed like a perfect thing to try and do while he was away, or as I put it on Father's Day, two sleeping-through-the-night-children by the time he comes home is his father's day gift.

Poppie has begun sleeping soundly through the night as a result of the new sleeping arrangements, but Finn has taken a turn for the worst and ends up in our bed every night. He has been telling amazing and elaborate stories during the daytime about all sorts of creatures on all sorts of adventures and he has also been talking a lot about his dreams and whether they were good or bad and what happened. I think he is entering that vivid stage where his imagination, the real world and his dreams all sort of co-mingle and boundaries blur. Maybe the trick is to tell him gentle, simple stories at night before he goes to bed and see if we can set him off on the right foot.

Any tips for calming a vivid imagination at night?

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