Saturday, June 5, 2010


Finn and I are in Alaska, getting settled for the salmon season. Finn absolutely LOVES it up here so far, although he keeps looking for Inca and gets worked up when he hears Nick's voice on the phone. Missing his Daddy aside, Finn awakes after every nap with a huge smile and peers around from his hip-perch to see what new faces are in the room. He is such a social baby and loves being passed from person to person and interacting with the fishermen who walk through the door.

Last night we had my brothers and some friends join us for dinner. Our friend was driving down the highway and noticed a recently killed rabbit, which she picked up and made a delicious stew. Finn went absolutely mad for the rabbit and I swear it made him more bouncy than normal. He leaped from person to person all night and finally crashed at 12 am, sleeping through the night for the first time ever.

I don't know if it was the rabbit or what, but I am seriously thinking of borrowing my brother's .22 and making rabbit a regular item on the menu. At least until the salmon arrive.


  1. Chomp....chomp....chomp...whats up doc? Ahhhhhhhhh! No! Please no doc!

  2. hi Nick and Jenna! i know some folks in Seattle who raise rabbits for meat. you could consider that, too.

    lovely to see photos and hear stories of you three. xoxo
