Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A not too solid start on solids

After a rather hilarious episode involving a plate of spaghetti, Finn, super fast movements, unsuspecting parents and furious shoving and chewing, we decided that we would try Finn on his first solid foods. He has been showing all the developmental signs that he is ready (except no teeth). We have been starting slow with fruit and a little bit of instant mashed quinoa. No rice cereal, per our doctor and common sense (very little nutritional value and breastmilk breaks it down anyway). We thought all was going well until about a week in with very little, ahem, movements, if you know what I mean.

Poor little bugger had such a blocked system that it took days of tears, hot baths in the sink, multiple diaper washings and lots of kisses and cuddles to get back to normal. Needless to say, we are going to wait on the solids for now. Maybe once he gets a tooth or two in this smile, we will revisit the solid food issue.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! I can only imagine the pain the little man had...we were just starting to talk about when we'd start Amelia. We're thinking about staring at the end of the month. We'll let you know how her digestive track takes it.
