Poppie has had an increasing number of projectile vomiting episodes in her short little life and I have been getting increasingly worried about her. These episodes are not simply new baby spit-ups but 3-foot geysers that leave her soaked, me soaked and the bed or floor soaked. She gags and chokes and is completely spent after an episode and then she is starving again (usually she doesn't do it twice in a row luckily). Projectile vomiting is a sign of pyloric stenosis, which runs in the family and requires surgery, so we decided to have her checked out.
Hey guys! Look at my head control! |
The doctor checked her and she got the all-clear for pyloric stenosis, but she hasn't regained her birth weight and the doctor wants to see her nurse more often. I usually have to wake her up to nurse, and she is so mellow she will have a few sips and then fall right back to sleep. I have to jiggle her, talk loudly, have Finn come in the room and shriek, and take off all her clothes and let a cool breeze wash over her body before she will even flutter her long lashes. After Finn, I never, ever thought I would complain about a baby sleeping too much (she sleeps longer stretches than Finn does and there is 23 months between them).
More please, Mama |
Other than her lower than birth weight, she is super healthy, alert, bright-eyed (we could have told her that), and exactly where she is supposed to be. The doctor even told me my dates must have been wrong because there was no way this was a post-dates baby (I didn't say anything but am keeping notes for the next time around because my dates are
not wrong, I just don't fit into the nice little neat 40 weeks gestation that OB's have set as the universal standard).
All is well and we are happy to have a healthy girl.
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