I have two daughters. Sisters. This is completely unchartered territory for me, sister-less, elder-of-three-brothers. I always pictured having at least one girl, but more than one seemed a little daunting. Will they be close? Do sisters fight more? What if one is beautiful and another more homely? What if one is smart and another less so? Can I love two girls equally?
So far, in the first week of being a mother to two girls, all my pre-daughter fears are unfounded. Or at the very least, incredibly unimportant. These girls will navigate their own relationship just like Poppie and Finn have. My love for each of them is as unique as they are as individuals and no less full from one to the other. And will there be cat fights in the future? Probably. But they will be handled in the same way we currently handle fights over diggers (very hands-off, 'figure it out yourselves').
Poppie has been an adoring, if slightly uninterested, sister so far. With the birth of India, she rose in the ranks of Finn's affection and attention and is quite happy basking in the glow of his brother-love. When her attention does turn to India, it is always loving and sweet and full of kisses and covering of blankets. I am thrilled with how seamless the transition has been for our family and hope it continues to be so smooth.

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