Happy birthday darling boy!
Your Nana used to start off every birthday with the sentence “…(how ever many) years ago today, I was on my way to the hospital and about to meet you…” I always liked it when she would say that but didn’t grasp the true meaning and depth of what it meant to her until I had you.
2 years ago today, my life was turned upside down and inside out and I have never been the same. You were the light that your Daddy and I never knew we were missing until you shone your sweet face in our lives. Grandma asked me this morning if I remember what Daddy and I were doing 5 years ago today and the truth is I don’t remember much of life without you.
I do remember that 2 years ago today, I was in the 36th hour of my labor and told that you had to come out via emergency c-section. At that point, nothing in the world mattered except for a healthy baby in my arms. And that you were. Your Daddy held you for the entire first night, staring into your sweet face and unable to put you down. You were so beautiful and looked just like a little angel. As you grew, it became clear that you had a very fun and independent nature and we have loved watching you grow and your delightful and witty personality emerge.
You reached all your milestones early and continue to amaze us with your vocabulary, physical capabilities and outgoing personality. You are so clever, my darling. Poppie is lucky to have such a strong and amazing sibling and I am sure that she will learn lots from you. You have grown into a loving and caring big brother over the past few weeks and we are really proud of you for that. It was hard to share us with a little sister, but you have done a great job.
Finn, you are such a strong, beautiful presence with an intelligent energy that keeps us light on our toes and young at heart. You are a force to be reckoned with and will go far in this world, if it is even big enough for you! Happy birthday darling boy, we love to the end of the universe and back, and then some. We are so proud that you are our child.
Love always,
Mama and Daddy