Friday, August 12, 2011

Pregnancy Update

Today marks the 38th week of pregnancy! We are on the countdown to meet new little baby Hall and the whole family is excited, except for Inca who is a little frightened about meeting another creature who has the capacity to pull tails or ride her 'like a hosse'.

Although I think Finn has no idea what he is actually in for, he does know that there is a baby in mama's belly and that the baby is 'nice'. And he definitely knows what babies are, pointing out every single one we pass. He gets a little frustrated with my inability to join him on the floor or pick him up properly, but if I ask him 'do you see this big belly? Mama can't run fast like you and doesn't want you to run in the neighbor's yard when we are on a walk, because it is too hard for me to catch you, okay?' and he will answer 'kay' and not do it again. So the belly has some power.

I have been having intermittant contractions for the past 10 days or so, which the midwife says is normal for a second baby. Life has been a little overwhelming lately and unlike Finn's much anticipated late arrival, I am not counting down the days, but instead thankful that the baby is staying put for the time being until I can wrap up all my work, home and personal projects and get to nesting.

I am also really enjoying plugging into Finn, Nick and our little family. I have been physically present, but in all other ways absent this summer, especially to Finn, due to work demands and I am trying really hard to pack in those special 'just us' moments that I hope will fill up his love bank account enough to get him through the trials of a new sibling.

Speaking of siblings, this morning Finn found a tape measure and wanted to measure my belly like the midwife does. Afterwards, I asked him if it was a boy or a girl and he said girl, which is a word I have never heard him speak before. All this precious little moments are being stored in my love bank account because sometime in the next few weeks, we will never go back to 'just us.'

But we think that is a good thing.

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