Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Anniversary to us!

On May 24th, Nick and celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Many of you know the story, but 5 years ago, we were living in New York and I was about to leave for Alaska when Nick got the news that he was not going to get the H1B visa to stay in the US. And that he had 4 weeks to leave the country. So, we have three days to make a decision: travel back and forth between countries in 3 month increments forever, or get married. In two days. Without friends or family.

It was the best choice we ever made.

We married in a courthouse in Queens, the only courthouse that had a slot available in the next few days. We got married in the morning with our French roommate as the witness who spoke very little English, but took lots of photos. Afterwards, we sipped champagne on our roofdeck, ate croissants and fruit and packed our bags for Seattle. We left that evening I went to Alaska a few days later and Nick returned to New York for the summer.

One of the defining eras of our relationship was the experiences we had together before children and high-stress careers and the responsibilities of home ownership. That era was marked with education and learning, adventure and travel and meeting new people and great food and discovery: of self, of each other, of our passions in life.

During this era, Nick discovered that his passion for photography was more than a hobby and he couldn't sleep until he satiated his need to become a photogapher. I failed to discover exactly what I wanted to be, which was perfect because it meant that I was available to support him in his process while I discovered my own.

And of course, along the way we managed to buy the house and have the children and work hard in our respective careers. And to the month, 5 years after saying that 'I do', we find ourselves in a new era. With the weight of decisions gently bearing down.

Only this time it is my career under question, because of course, in the process of not looking for what I want to be, I have found exactly who I should be. And simultaneously, the decision of where to be, where to raise our children into adulthood. Nick and I were raised with a similar amounts of benign neglect on lots of land and because we know no better, we want the same for our children. 

And like 5 years ago, we will trust that inner voice that says 'do it, this path is right'. Because if the next five years are anything like the last, the truest path to a great life is listening to that voice.

Moments after marriage. We dug through our closets and Nick put on his best suit and I wore my favorite white dress. It was perfect and un-fussy and completely and utterly us. I don't think I have been truer to myself that in the moments surrounding our marriage.

I found a ring in my jewelry box to use as my ring and gave Nick the toe ring that I bought in India when I was 19 and travelling alone. It was fitting that he have the symbol that represented the most alone I had ever felt in my life, although just for good measure, my bone still has the indentation of that ring as a reminder.

The ceremony took about 5 minutes. It was a beautiful day and we loved New York (and still do). The possibilities of the future seemed endless (and still do).

A tiny image of the last choice we made as an unmarried couple: to go to Summons or to be Married

Hi there!

The last half of May has been unexpectedly full of photo shoots, road trips, house hunting (more on this later...), 5-year anniversaries, pools, gardening and playing in the sun. Every day has been full and at its end we have literally collapsed in bed, asleep before our head even hits the pillow. Needless to say blogging was thrown out the window. But now we're back! With pictures of our weekend in Walla Walla with Auntie Casi, Uncle Nick and Auntie Molly!

What, me? I need a haircut?
Molly and I making strawberry freezer jam with the first strawberries of the season (only in Eastern Washington)

What's Memorial Day without corn and a BBQ? That corn cob feels great on those three new little top teeth emerging!

Sunny downtown Walla Walla
A Nick-Nick burger. Delicious combination of Nick's best and Nick's best.
Trying on for size.
Happy Poppie loves her Uncle Nick.
Finn sunbathing with the Aunties
Visiting with a pinto horse on a walk along a river.
More postings are coming your way!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This boy loves the beach

And lucky for us, there is a gorgeous beach 8 minutes from our house (or a 25 minute cycling ride). When the sun is out, there is no better place on earth than Seattle and the Pacific Northwest as we are happily (re)discovering this past week.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sleep is Magic

I am thrilled to report that after 2 1/2 years, our entire family slept through the night*. Like 10 hours slept through the night. Nick and I feel like different humans. We actually feel human this morning, for the first time in our parenting career. We have had a night or two off here and there when the children are with Grandparents, but typically the kiddoas are staying overnight with Nana and Papa for a reason that includes us parents staying up really, really late, such as a 30th birthday party or our anniversary or something. So it doesn't really count.

What really counts, is sleeping well, at your own house, in your own house on an 'any-old-day' kind of night. Which is exactly what we had. And, as I mentioned in an earlier post, we had been planning on sleep-training Poppie to get her to sleep through the night as she was sooo close and we were sooo tired of waking up once or twice so she could drink 2 ounces of milk. And voila! She does it on her own so we don't have to be cruel parents. And as you know, Finn has been a problematic sleeper from day one, so his recent foray into sleeping through the night is most welcome.

I almost feel superhuman and I know that Nick does too (he woke up with the children, made them breakfast, changed them, picked up the house and folded three loads of laundry before I even had my first cup of coffee-- I could get really used to this)!

*There was a recent study of new moms and it found that they covet sleep more than food, water or any other bodily need. In other words, we would rather starve than be sleepless. Hence an entire post devoted to the celebration of the Hall family's recent sleep.

8 months old

Eight months ago on Saturday, this little poppet made her debut. On Mother's Day she started saying mama. I am blessed.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's day

Happy belated Mother's Day!

We had a very adventurous weekend camping with dear friends who are bicycling from Bellingham to San Francisco. We met up with them for a night of camping on Saturday and then decided at the spur-of-the-moment to stay another night with them last night. It is the first time in ages I have been so spontaneous on a work night and is indicative of how much life is changing around here. It is also the first major car camping trip we have done, and although I love the roughing-it backpacking with baby style, I can certainly get used to blow up beds and big tents.

We spent the majority of the weekend near the water-- first at our local outdoor pool that opened for the season this weekend and then on the beach. Finn is an absolute fish and swam in both the warm outdoor pool and freezing Puget Sound with the same abandon. And driving home this morning, he asked if we could please go to the beach later today. At a sweltering 80+ degrees outside, who can say no?
My Mother's Day nest
Poppie gifted me the Mother's Day gift of saying mama for the first time and sleeping through the night two nights in a row. We were planning on sleep training after this weekend and she just spared us the heartache. Finn was a very good little boy yesterday and went to sleep when we told him to so we could spend some time with friends around the fire last night. He also picked me some flowers and gave me three kisses and two i love yous. I am a lucky mama.

Monday, May 7, 2012

National Geographic out our window

Last summer, Nick reported a bird had built a nest outside our living room window in the pear tree that frames the window. Finn and I were in Alaska and missed the whole scene, but guess what?! The little robin has come back and built her nest and laid two eggs! The pear tree completely conceals the nest from the outside, but from inside our living room, we get a picture-perfect perspective.

The first mental hurdle we had to overcome was Finn wanting to collect the eggs and eat them like we do the chicken eggs. After explaining that our chicken eggs will never become baby birds, but these ones will, I think we got through to him. And now, every morning we take a look and see mama sitting on her eggs and talk about how she is keeping them warm, and then she is out collecting bugs to eat and back again keeping them warm so they can hatch into little baby birds!

Better than TV and a perfect way to watch and explain the natural world to Finn!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Poppie Longstocking

Our little string bean that keeps getting longer and longer and longer...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Officially 2 1/2!

Finn is officially two-and-a-half! He is the sweetest, most well-behaved he has ever been and I am keeping fingers crossed behind my back that we have skipped the terrible twos altogether. Or, maybe it's true that tantrums and terrible twos are cultural (did you see the movie Babies? African and Mongolian two-year-olds do not have tantrums, whereas the Japanese and American babies had epic ones. Hmmm...).

Anyway, something is going right in his life, because Finn has also started to sleep soundly through the night, 11-12 hours at a stretch. It has taken 2 1/2 years, but we are finally there.

What else is new with our little man?
  1. He is an incredibly sophisticated talker for 2 1/2. I think his outgoing nature has given him a leg up on speech, because this kid will talk your ear off. He often strikes conversations with strangers and especially loves kids.
  2. He loves his little sister and has turned 180 degrees from the day she was born. He is the first to go to her when she cries and is always giving her toys and picking her up (to sitting). He spends a lot of time talking to her and playing with her.
  3. He loves pretty much everyone right now and is especially thrilled when an Uncle comes over, but he gets all their names mixed up and just starts calling all of them Uncle Bin.
  4. He is getting more of an accent as he gets older, which is curious because Nick has been gone a lot lately.
  5. His love of diggers has not waned in the least. We now own about 219281281238 diggers and probably every digger book published in English.
  6. He thinks Nick and I are 22 1/2 years old. We haven't corrected him. 
Happy half little buddy, we love to the moon and back!

Finn at Butchart Gardens in Victoria a couple of weeks ago

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy Tuesday!

My boys on a sunny Sunday evening overlooking Seattle and Elliott Bay. My heart bursts with love for these two.