Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finn's New Bed

Yesterday, Marie informed us that Finn escaped his crib after his nap. He started climbing out onto his dresser so we moved the dresser and this time he climbed the side, dropped to the ground, brushed off his pants and forever declared the crib days over.

So we took off the side, made a big fuss over his new stature in society, crossed our fingers and all went to bed.

He got up and down a few times before actually going to sleep, but in the end, he was in bed and had pulled the covers over himself and slept soundly. All night.

And the best part? In the morning, he crawled out of bed and came and crawled into our bed with a book and told me his diaper needed changing. Which meant that Nick and I didn't have a first-words-of-the-morning "conversation" about who had to get up first and fetch the screaming tyrant angel from his jail cell crib.

Life just keeps getting better and better.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Finn is going to be a big brother!

Baby numero dos is due in August! We went to the midwife's yesterday for our 22 week check-in and it was the first time that Finn heard the baby's heartbeat. He was fascinated. (145 beats per minute, healthy moving little bambino/a)

He absolutely LOVES babies, although I am sure that will all change when he gets one that doesn't go home like the others. We had our mid-pregnancy anatomical ultrasound a few weeks ago and decided not to find out the gender. However, our midwife told us that the Chinese Calendar Gender Predictor is 96% accurate in her practice. It said Finn would be a boy and it says that this one is a girl. I am curious if it was correct for your babies-- you can find it online by clicking here.
