I don't have a lot of shots of Finn and I so I am thrilled to get these! Thanks, darling!
I guess you could say he is potty trained, but we (the parents) are not
disciplined enough to take him to the potty every time he wants to go,
so it's our fault that he is using a diaper at all.
Anyway, we bought this little white potty a month ago and
started to put him on it right when he wakes up and right after
nursing. We make a pssssst noise, he goes to the bathroom and then we
have a 'you're such a big boy!' praise party! Who doesn't love a
party? Certainly not this kid! He wanted to party all the time. So
much so that he started to tell us that he has to go to the bathroom
by either talking increasingly louder and louder, or by squirming and
looking imploringly at us. He will also go in the big toilet if we
hold him, or outside if need be.
We have significantly reduced our diaper laundry and poor little bug
is starting to get angry when we put one on at all. The only downside
with this potty-trained-at-6-months gig is now he is waking at night
wanting me to take him to the potty. Between night nursing and night
potties (no I have not given in to getting up at night to take him
yet), will I ever sleep again in my entire life?
Finn's left bottom tooth poked through on Sunday! The right tooth is quickly catching up. He has been handling the process quite well, all considering. His greatest relief comes in the form of a toothbrush. Perfect training for when those pearly whites come all the way in!